Biophilic Design

Photo by Prudence Earl on Unsplash

Designers and architects are constantly seeking new ways to bring the outdoors in. And with the current interest in sustainable design, there has been a renewed focus on biophilic interiors.

Biophilic design is an approach to architecture that seeks to connect people with nature. The idea is based on the concept that humans have an innate need to connect with the natural world. Studies have shown that people who work in environments with natural elements report higher levels of productivity, creativity, concentration, lower stress levels, and improved mental health. They also tend to take fewer sick days! Who wouldn’t want those kinds of benefits?

This specific style is an approach to architecture and interior design that seeks to connect people with nature. The goal is to create visual, auditory, and tactile connections between people and the natural world. This article will dive in-depth into biophilic design concepts, its benefits, and how you can bring it into your home or workplace.

What is biophilic design?

Biophilic design is an approach to design that emphasizes the connection between people and nature. The goal of biophilic design is to create spaces that are both visually and psychologically pleasing while also having a positive impact on human health and well-being. Designers often incorporate natural features such as plants, water, and daylight to achieve this. These elements can help to create a calming space that encourages relaxation and focus.

Biophilic design aims to create habitats suitable for human beings and to address the fact that modern society has become increasingly disconnected from nature. Biophilic interior design concepts focus on those aspects of nature that have contributed to human health and productivity.

What are the benefits of biophilic design?

It’s no secret that humans love nature. We are, after all, a species that evolved in the great outdoors. But in today’s modern world, we often find ourselves cut off from the natural world, stuck inside buildings, and surrounded by nothing but metal and concrete.

In recent years, there has been an increased focus on biophilic design, which considers people’s needs as biological organisms. Biophilic design offers a way to reconnect with the natural world and improve our health and productivity in a world that is becoming ever more urbanized, and technology driven.

As mentioned above, studies have proven that biophilic design can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and feelings of isolation while promoting overall well-being. By incorporating biophilic design principles into our homes and workplaces, we can create environments that promote mental restoration and reduce mental fatigue.

What are the elements of biophilic design?

Biophilic design has three key elements: visual connection, nature in the built environment, and natural lighting. Architects and interior designers achieve a biophilic climate through their techniques by incorporating natural elements that work together to create a visual, auditory, and physical connection between people and nature. For example:


A visual connection can be achieved through windows, glass accents, and skylights. Natural lighting can be accomplished through the use of daylighting and solar shading. As more and more people move into urban environments, the need for biophilic design becomes even more significant.

By carefully positioning windows and skylights, they can let in plenty of sunlight while still providing privacy and protection from the elements. They may also use reflective materials such as mirrors to maximize the amount of light in a space.

In addition to natural light, architects also use lighting schemes to create a sense of connection to nature. For example, they may use soft, warm lighting to mimic the glow of a sunset. Or they may use cool, blue lighting to create a tranquil, ocean-like atmosphere. By incorporating natural light and lighting schemes, they can help create spaces that feel inviting and calming—that help us reconnect with nature.

Drawing the outside in

As urban environments have become increasingly congested and chaotic, the need for calm, green spaces have grown. Nature in the built environment can also be achieved through green room schemes, living walls, water features, and rooftop gardens. With recent technological advances, bringing nature into the city has become more accessible, with applications like living walls and solar-powered fountains. For example, some office buildings have water features or gardens that occupants can enjoy during their lunch break.

Embracing earth tones & organic shapes

Biophilic design plays on our evolutionary need to be close to the natural world. It is often described as the ‘architecture of life.’ One of the critical aspects of biophilic design is using raw materials. Stone, concrete, wood, and sculptural elements are all commonly used to evoke the natural environment. This can be done in several ways, from using large boulders as accent pieces or creating water features with natural stone, wood, and concrete to create an organic feel.

Organic forms are also used in biophilic design to create a connection with nature. Curves, flowing lines, and nature-inspired patterns can all help to create a nature-inspired feeling in a space. This is often achieved through furniture, fabrics, and flooring. The goal is to create a space that feels connected to nature, even in the heart of a city. By incorporating these natural elements into our design, we can create genuinely biophilic spaces that make us feel more connected to the natural world.

Varying heights and scales

Designers who incorporate biophilic design principles into their work understand that varying the heights and scale of indoor features can positively impact occupants. By creating an environment with organized complexity, designers can encourage occupants to interact with their surroundings to foster well-being.

In an office setting, for example, incorporating a variety of heights and scales into the design can promote creativity and collaboration. Features such as floor-to-ceiling windows or indoor plants of different sizes can help break up the indoor environment’s monotony and encourage occupants to move around and explore their space.

In a retail setting, varying the heights and scale of shelves and displays can help to create an engaging and visually appealing space. And in a healthcare setting, providing views of nature or using natural materials like wood and plants can help to create a calming and healing environment.

Ultimately, architects and designers consider varying heights and scales because they understand that creating spaces that support human health and well-being is essential.

The best way to incorporate biophilic design into your home

Designing your home with biophilic design concepts in mind can enhance your well-being and create a space that feels natural and inviting. Biophilic design incorporates natural forms and features into your home’s interior design. If you want to integrate biophilic design elements into your home, you can start doing so by:

Use natural materials

This design philosophy incorporates natural materials and biomorphic forms to create an indoor environment that feels more connected to the outdoors. Transitional spaces like entryways and mudrooms are the perfect place to start incorporating biophilic design elements. For example, you could use stone flooring instead of carpet or add a water feature like a small fountain or waterfall. Or you can use natural materials such as wood, stone, or bamboo in your flooring, walls, or furniture. By bringing the outdoors inside, you can create a visually pleasing and calming space.

Colors of nature

Unsurprisingly, biophilic design favors the color green in all its forms. Whether it’s accessorizing your home with lots of plants or using green paint as an accent color throughout the space. Using colors typically found in nature is a fantastic way to introduce biophilic design into our homes. Natural hues such as greens, browns, and blues are perfect for this design scheme and will help set the scene for the rest of the design.

Incorporate Plants

Adding some house plants is one of the simplest ways to bring biophilic design into your home. Not only do they look nice, but studies have shown that being around plants can help reduce stress levels and improve concentration.

If you’re feeling ambitious, you could even create a live wall or an urban garden. These vertical gardens are an attractive way to add greenery to any space. They can also help improve air quality and reduce noise pollution.

While some of these projects may require more time and effort, they will transform your home into a mini oasis. And the best part is that you don’t need a green thumb to make it happen! There are plenty of low-maintenance plants that are perfect for busy people. If you want more information on what kind of plants are low maintenance and easy to take care of, check out our blog on bringing greenery into small spaces here.

Textural richness

Texture is one of the most essential elements of interior design. It can add visual interest, create a sense of warmth, and even affect the acoustics of a room. When it comes to creating a nature-inspired design, textural richness is vital. Natural materials like wood, stone, and plants can help bring the outside in and make a calm and serene environment.

Incorporating textiles and fabrics that mimic the look and feel of natural materials, such as wool, linen, cotton, and jute are ideal for creating a space that feels both comfortable and livable. Also, woven baskets, rugs, and throws can help create an organic feel while providing a practical function.

Of course, incorporating plants into your décor is another excellent way to add textural richness and a touch of nature to your home. Combining these nature-inspired elements and textures allows you to make a stylish and inviting design throughout your home.

Are biophilic interiors practical?

While biophilic design is achievable in our homes, it’s important to remember that it’s not always practical or realistic. First and foremost, it’s essential to consider your climate when incorporating biophilic design into your home. You certainly don’t want all of that fresh air circulating if you live in a cold climate!

Additionally, living in an urban area, it might be harder to connect visually with nature due to all the buildings around you. So, consider first how you can create a biophilic design using your current resources before you jump in head-first without proper planning. The designers and architects that curate these designs for their clients generally take months, sometimes years, to fully conceptualize how to achieve this look while remaining sustainable. Therefore, if you aren’t sure how to accomplish this, look off the bat, consult a professional or take things slowly at first.

And finally, if you’re working with a tight budget, you might not be able to afford big windows or skylights immediately. However, there are still plenty of ways to incorporate some of the principles of biophilic design into your home, no matter your budget or location!

Why we care

Biophilic design is an emerging trend in the interior design world that focuses on incorporating nature into the home. This can be done in several ways, such as adding plants or using natural materials. While it may seem like a new concept, biophilic design is actually based on a centuries-old idea that humans are innately connected to nature. With the hectic pace of modern life, it’s no wonder that people are increasingly turning to biophilic design to create a sense of calm in their homes.

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