Eco-Friendly Spring Cleaning: 9 Tips for a Sustainable Home

There’s no such thing as a deep clean when you are using cleaning products laden with toxic chemicals. As we move into a time of spring cleaning, there’s a better way to refresh your home. Without harming your health or the environment, you can revitalize your interiors with products made to be non-toxic and eco-friendly. Dust off the cobwebs and get a fresh start with these easy-to-follow spring cleaning tips.

Recycle or Donate Unused Items

First things first: time to declutter. As you start your spring cleaning, take stock of any items that you are no longer using. Instead of tossing them in the trash, sort them into two piles – donate and recycle. Any furniture or clothes in gently used condition can typically be donated to local charities or resold on online platforms. The rest should be recycled or repurposed. For example, instead of throwing out your old t-shirts or sweatshirts, you can cut them into cleaning rags. 

Switch to Natural Cleaning Products

The next time you are stocking up on cleaning products, pay attention to their labels. Instead of grabbing the big-name products that dominate the shelves at your local grocery store, look for organic, non-toxic brands. Choose products that are marked as being eco-friendly. Or, consider making cleaning products at home. You can use everyday ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils to create non-toxic and effective cleaning solutions. Do it for the planet – and make a safer choice for the health of yourself and your family. 

Eco-friendly spring cleaning products in spray bottles

Use Natural Furniture Polish

Likewise, make a healthier swap when it comes to your furniture polish. Traditional furniture polish contains harmful chemicals like ammonia, aromatic solvents, petroleum distillates, silicones, phenol, synthetic polymers, and more. All of these can compromise air quality and irritate your skin and lungs. Some, like benzene, are even known carcinogens.

Instead, switch to a natural wood polish made from beeswax. Beeswax adds a beautiful shine while nourishing wood surfaces naturally. We even love the subtle scent that beeswax leaves behind, refreshing your space with an earthy, honey-like note.

Ditch the Disposables

It’s so easy to go through half a roll of paper towels or a pack of wipes when cleaning. Not only is this wasteful, but it’s also not cost-effective. Instead, opt for reusable cloth towels or rags (the old t-shirts are already coming in handy). Similarly, swap out disposable mop heads for washable ones to minimize waste.

Clean Sweep

Now and then, a good vacuuming of your carpeting and rugs is needed. However, for wood and tiled floors, consider sweeping regularly. Sweeping is an easy way to save energy while getting similar results on hard flooring. Plus, it’ll give you a little workout!

Air Dry

Take advantage of the fresh air and warm sun in the spring and summer to dry your laundry and upholstery. Air drying reduces energy consumption, saves you money, and reduces the wear and tear on fabric. You can string up a clothesline or place a drying rack outdoors for a day or two to get your clothes completely dry.

Colorful clothespins on a clothing line outside

Set Up a Compost System

If you haven’t already been composting, now is a great time to start. Setting up a compost system not only keeps organic waste from going into landfills but also produces a natural fertilizer for your plants. Here’s a quick guide to composting to learn more.

Open the Windows

After the long winter, there’s nothing like a fresh breeze to refresh your home and lift your spirits. During your spring cleaning spree, throw open the windows and let the air circulate through every room. Not only does this help ventilate your space and eliminate stale air, but it also brings the outdoors in, connecting you with nature.

Use Natural Air Fresheners

Similarly to your cleaning supplies, synthetic air fresheners contain harmful chemicals. Instead, choose natural alternatives like essential oil candles and diffusers. You can even make your scents by combining different oils or simmering citrus peels on the stove. Check out this quick recipe to create a delicious aroma made from old citrus peels and vanilla.

A Fresh Approach to Sustainable Spring Cleaning

Even small, healthy changes to your spring cleaning routine can make a big difference. By adopting eco-friendly practices, you’re not only creating a healthier home for yourself and your loved ones but also doing your part to protect the planet for future generations. Time to roll up your sleeves and adopt a new sustainable approach to spring cleaning!

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