How to Host a Sustainable Holiday Party

Photo by Olivie Strauss on Unsplash

The holiday season is a time for joy, festivities, and spending time with loved ones. But it’s also a time when our environmental impact increases. From decorating our homes to cooking large meals, the holidays can add up to a lot of waste. But it doesn’t have to be that way, as there are many ways to host a sustainable holiday party.

This article will explore how to host a zero-waste, sustainable holiday party this season. We’ll discuss ways to reduce your carbon footprint, save money, and still have a happy and festive celebration. So, whether you’re looking for ways to be more environmentally conscious this year or just want to cut down on waste, read on for our best tips.

Why you should prioritize sustainability during the holidays

According to the EPA, the average American generates about 1.5 pounds of trash daily. That number jumps to 5 pounds per day during the holidays. So, suppose everyone in the US celebrated the holidays sustainably. In that case, we could save 25 million tons of waste from going into landfills or being incinerated.

As a result, making small changes towards reducing our environmental footprint this holiday season can significantly impact the planet long-term. Here are some ways you can host a waste-free holiday gathering this season:

How to effectively reduce waste as a host

From gift wrapping and ribbons to holiday party décor and food or beverage trash, it’s easy to let your eco-friendly habits go out the window when celebrating the season. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With a bit of planning and forethought, you can host a delightful holiday gathering that is easy on the environment.

Buy secondhand

If you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint this holiday season, one easy way to do so is by considering secondhand options for all of your holiday needs. From furniture and dishware to holiday decorations and presents, you can generally find everything you need secondhand.

Not only is this sustainable option better for the environment, but it’s also a great way to save money in the long run. You can often find all the items you need at your local thrift stores or consignment shops this time of the year at up to 75-90% off retail prices.

Some key items you can often come across when thrifting this time of the year include:

●  Artificial trees

●  Ornaments

●  Wreaths & garlands

●  Wrapping paper & ribbons

●  Dishware & napkins

●  Centerpieces & floral arrangements

●  Furniture & accent pieces (often even more affordable than other times of the year)

And the best part is that shopping secondhand supports good causes and local communities while keeping reusable items out of landfills. So, this holiday season, ditch the big box stores and shop sustainably at your local thrift store or consignment shop.

Reuse or upcycle

The eco-friendly holiday movement has been growing in popularity in recent years as more and more people look for ways to reduce their environmental impact. One of the easiest ways to make your holidays more sustainable is to reuse and upcycle old decorations instead of buying new ones each year.

If you’re feeling crafty, there are endless possibilities for repurposing old decor. For example, give your outdated ornaments a fresh look with a new coat of paint or make homemade decorations out of eco-friendly materials like recycled paper or fabric scraps. There are plenty of tutorials online for sustainable and creative decorating ideas that you can follow to make the process easier.

Alternatively, suppose you’re feeling overwhelmed with the amount of decor you have taking up space in your home. In that case, you should donate all unwanted items so they can go to someone who can use them. By making the greener choice when it comes to hosting, you can have a zero-waste gathering this year.

Use real dishes, silverware, and glasses instead of disposables

Another way to reduce waste is to avoid disposable dishes and single-use plastic cutlery. Instead, opt for the real deal. Not only will it reduce waste, but it will also add a touch of elegance to your party. Plus, you can find beautiful festive dinnerware at thrift and consignment shops for as little as 25 cents a plate this time of the year.

Bonus tip: If you are really short on space and don’t want to buy new dishware for fear that it won’t get used in the future, you can request that your guests bring their own dishware. They will likely be happy to help reduce waste and save you money as their host.

Skip the plastic straws

Plastic straws are one of the worst offenders regarding party waste. However, kids love them, and they make fancy beverages taste even better when you have them. So, if you must use straws for your gathering, try skipping the plastic ones and opting for metal or glass alternatives instead. Or you can find reusable straws made from bamboo or other sustainable materials. Either way, preventing plastic straws from being present at your holiday gathering this season will create a more sustainable holiday all around.

Get creative with your gift wrapping

One of the easiest ways to reduce waste this holiday season is to get creative with your gift wrap. Ditch the store-bought wrapping paper or cheap holiday cards and opt for more sustainable alternatives this year. You utilize reusable fabric wraps, paper scraps, magazines, newspapers, or even old maps for all of your gift-wrapping needs this year. Not only will your gifts look stylish and unique, but you’ll be doing your part to reduce paper and plastic waste. After all, it’s just going to get ripped apart anyway.

Use energy-efficient LED lights

This holiday season, ditch the mundane holiday lights in favor of energy-efficient LED lights. While traditional incandescent holiday lights may be nostalgic, they are actually quite costly and inefficient.

This year, switch to energy-efficient LED holiday lights and enjoy a sustainable and eco-friendly holiday season. Not only are LED holiday lights more environmentally friendly, but they are also energy-efficient and longer-lasting than traditional incandescent holiday lights. They emit virtually no heat, so you can string them up without fear of overheating or fire hazards. You can find energy-efficient LED holiday lights at most major retailers. Simply look for the ENERGY STAR label when making your holiday light purchase.

With many various colors and styles, they will fit seamlessly into any holiday decorating scheme. You can string them along your Christmas tree, line them up on your fireplace, or even drape them across your holiday dinner table. No matter how you choose to use them, LED holiday lights are a great way to celebrate the holidays sustainably. Your wallet and the environment will thank you for making the switch.

Make your own food and beverages

While the holidays are primarily a time for friends and family to get together to celebrate, there’s no hiding the fact that it’s most people’s favorite time of the year because of the food. From delicious dinners and festive cocktails to an endless number of cookies and desserts, it’s no wonder people love the holidays.

That said, if you’re looking for a more eco-friendly holiday this year, you might want to consider making your own food and beverages instead of buying everything store-bought. If you’re feeling extra ambitious, bake your own pies using local fruits and nuts.

Although it might take a bit more time and planning, there is something to be said about a holiday party where everything is homemade. Not only will it impress your guests, but you will be one step closer to having a zero-waste holiday gathering this year.

Recycle and compost your waste

Another way to make a sustainable holiday party is to recycle all paper and plastic waste and compost food. Set up easily accessible recycling bins for guests to deposit their plastic and paper waste when finished.

You can also set up a composting station where guests can put their food waste when they’re done. Composting is a great way to reduce methane emissions from landfills and lower your carbon footprint. Not to mention, it enriches the soil and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.

If you’ve never composted before or are looking for more information on composting, check out this article from the EPA for more tips on composting and having a zero-waste holiday gathering this year.

Kaiyo Cares

As more and more people become aware of the importance of sustainability, they are looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact. Fortunately, a growing number of companies are committed to sustainable practices. Kaiyo is an online consignment shop specializing in gently used furniture and home decor. By consigning items, you no longer need, you can help keep them out of landfills. In fact, Kaiyo has saved 3.7 million pounds of furniture from going to waste since it was founded.

Also, for every purchase made on Kaiyo, we plant a tree. So, if you are looking for new items to upgrade your home before holiday gatherings or need more space to host, visit Kaiyo today to learn about buying and selling with us. We pick up, inspect, clean, store, and deliver items all over the country, making it easy for people to give their furniture a second life.

With Kaiyo, it’s easy to sell or find beautiful, sustainable furniture that fits your style and budget.

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